Olíudreifing, Ísafjörður

In Ísafjörður, there is one of the largest storage facilities and import ports of Olíudreifing. The ship Keilir sails there regularly with fuel and other goods. The storage facility handles the distribution of all types of gasoline, as well as offering a variety of services for the Westfjords.


Address: Mávagarður
Postcode: 400 Ísafjörður
Name of Berth: Eyjagarður II
Maximum Draft: 12.5m
Maximum Length: 220m
Storage space: 69,912m³

Olíudreifing ehf.

Hólmaslóð 8-10
101 - Reykjavík
Sími: 550 9900
Netfang: odr@odr.is



Aðalnúmer s. 550 9900
Þjónustuborð s: 550 9955 

Rafvirkjar s: 860-6917
Vélvirkjar s: 860-6906

Neyðarnúmer 552 6900


Jafnlaunavottun - Umhverfisvottun
Öryggisvottun - Gæðavottun: Sjá hér: