Olíudreifing, Örfirisey

Örfirisey is the largest storage facility and import harbor of Olíudreifingar. The ship Keilir regularly sails from there with fuel and other cargo to various locations across the country. The storage facility handles the distribution of all major energy sources, and the main offices of Olíudreifingar are located near the storage facility at Hólmaslóð 8.


Address: Hólmaslóð 5
Postal Code: 101
Location: Reykjavík
Port Name: Eyjagarður II
Maximum Draft 12.5m
Maximum Length: 220m
Storage space: 69,912m³

Olíudreifing ehf.

Hólmaslóð 8-10
101 - Reykjavík
Sími: 550 9900
Netfang: odr@odr.is



Aðalnúmer s. 550 9900
Þjónustuborð s: 550 9955 

Rafvirkjar s: 860-6917
Vélvirkjar s: 860-6906

Neyðarnúmer 552 6900


Jafnlaunavottun - Umhverfisvottun
Öryggisvottun - Gæðavottun: Sjá hér: