
Terms regarding Waste Oil

Terms and Conditions for Free Disposal of Waste Oil and Heavy Oil Waste:

Oil Waste Subject to the Terms and Conditions
  • Waste oil generated from the normal use of lubricating oil that has been subjected to a recycling fee according to Act No. 162/2002 with subsequent amendments. Waste oil resulting from the regular use of heavy oil shall be subject to a recycling fee in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 8 of Act No. 162/2002 on recycling fees but is exempt from charge under paragraph 3 of the same article, defined by the customs tariff number: 2710-1940.

    Services not covered by these reception terms are not free of charge, and the receiving party will charge a fee for them to the submitting party. Foreign ships entitled to a refund of the recycling fee based on the refund provision in Article 10 of Act 162/2002 on recycling fees are not entitled

Ef þú ert með spurningar, sendu þá tölvupóst á

Olíudreifing ehf.

Hólmaslóð 8-10
101 - Reykjavík
Sími: 550 9900



Aðalnúmer s. 550 9900
Þjónustuborð s: 550 9955 

Rafvirkjar s: 860-6917
Vélvirkjar s: 860-6906
Bifvélaverkstæði s: 864-9411

Neyðarnúmer 552 6900


Jafnlaunavottun - Umhverfisvottun
Öryggisvottun - Gæðavottun: Sjá hér: