
All about our cookies

This website uses cookies to enhance user experience.

Cookies primarily collect information from users to help us make the website more user-friendly. For example, cookies can be used to track a user's path through our website and see the pages they have chosen. Cookies contain text, numbers, and/or information such as dates to adapt the experience to the user's operating system, equipment, or location. Cookies are also used to analyze traffic on the website.

Cookies are used by third parties (Google) and you can see how Google uses cookies on their website. Everything about cookies can be found here at

SSL certificates (https:) enable users to fill out forms, including applications for vacancies at Olíudreifing. SSL certificates encrypt information, making data transfer and communication more secure. By clicking "accept," you have agreed to the use of cookies.

Olíudreifing ehf.

Hólmaslóð 8-10
101 - Reykjavík
Sími: 550 9900



Aðalnúmer s. 550 9900
Þjónustuborð s: 550 9955 

Rafvirkjar s: 860-6917
Vélvirkjar s: 860-6906

Neyðarnúmer 552 6900


Jafnlaunavottun - Umhverfisvottun
Öryggisvottun - Gæðavottun: Sjá hér: