Alcohol and Drug Policy
Olíudreifing ehf. is a leading company in oil distribution in Iceland and therefore considers it their duty to conduct their operations with utmost safety.
Given the significant responsibility arising from the risk inherent in the work their employees perform, it is crucial that they are well-prepared and their judgment remains entirely unimpaired.
It is strictly forbidden for employees to consume or be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while on duty. Crew members of ships are prohibited from consuming alcohol 24 hours before boarding.
The use of prescription drugs other than those prescribed by a doctor is not allowed.
An employee must notify their superior if they are taking medication that may impair their judgment and concentration, and the superior should then assign tasks accordingly.
Should crew members of ships need medication from the ship's medicine chest, it must be done in consultation with the captain and recorded in the medical logbook.
Employees in key positions and those performing particularly dangerous tasks, including ship captains and company executives, must undergo at least annual unannounced alcohol and drug testing, while other employees will be tested regularly based on random selection. No traces of illegal drugs are permitted in the samples, and only the amount of prescription drugs deemed normal in the blood according to a valid prescription issued to the individual is allowed. The blood alcohol content must not exceed 0.40‰.
Olíudreifing ehf contributes to assisting employees who struggle with alcohol and drug issues, offering the necessary support to address their problems.
The penalty for violating the company's alcohol and drug policy is dismissal.
If you have any questions, please send an email to odr@odr.is