Environmental and safety issues
Environmental, health, and safety issues are always at the core of our operations.
Due to the nature of Olíudreifing's activities, environmental and safety concerns are integrated into all aspects of the company's operations. Whether it's handling, storage, or transportation of fuel, maintenance and construction of storage facilities, gas stations, or at our parent company's customer premises. Strict rules for operating and maintaining the company's equipment are also followed.
The company has developed descriptions of the processes that are most critical in ensuring safety and minimizing potential harm. Naturally, the highest priority is given to the protection of life, limbs, and health, followed closely by respect for the environment, as nature is the foundation of everything we build and plan for in the future. Olíudreifing's policy is to leave no worse impact on the environment than we find it. These processes and their descriptions are regularly reviewed according to the standards they should meet, and they are renewed or revised as necessary.
Another crucial aspect of our operations is responsible and efficient responses to any emergencies that may occur. Olíudreifing has established response plans to address potential incidents that can occur during operations. Employees are trained in emergency responses according to these plans, and equipment to address emergencies has been procured, with employees trained in its use.
The Safety Committee of Olíudreifingar oversees these categories, but each employee plays a key role in ensuring a safe operation.
Members of the Safety Committee at Olíudreifingar include (office/mobile):
Gestur Guðjónsson 5509943 / 8984712
Jón Haraldsson 5509945 / 6640366
Grétar Mar Steinarsson 5509905 / 8984710
Helgi Marcher Egonsson 5509937 / 8606944
Jónas Kristinsson 5509964 / 8977706
If you have any questions, please send an email to odr@odr.is