Safety Rules at Eyjagarður
Access to the oil storage facility on Örfirisey Island is strictly prohibited for all unauthorized personnel. A security guard, using a security system, keeps a record of all personnel movement around the perimeter of the facility to ensure full oversight at all times.
Only vehicles with a legitimate reason for access to the facility are allowed. Facility managers issue cards for vehicles authorized for regular access to the site.
For ship captains and their regular service providers, access is granted when their ships are docked at Eyjargarð.
Ship captains arriving at Eyjargarð should send a crew list to the security guard, including the names of those expected during their stay at the dock, along with their purpose and vehicle registration if applicable. The access list must be sent at the latest one hour before the ship's arrival to vakthus@gmail.com.
Others with business at the facility, whether they are employees of Skeljung hf., Olíudreifingar ehf., or other companies, must notify the security guard of their visits and receive permission from the respective facility manager or their representative before entry.
Guests must leave their vehicles outside the fence unless special circumstances warrant otherwise, and permission for entry must be granted by the respective facility manager or their representative. Before granting entry, the security guard must record the name, company, purpose, and entry time in the facility's access system. If a guest is unfamiliar with the location, the facility manager or their representative should escort them to the security guard.
If there is no security guard present, no one without authorized access is allowed into the facility. The maximum speed within the storage facility is 25 km/h, and the number and location of vehicles should always be managed to ensure unobstructed access for emergency vehicles and fire trucks.
While a ship is at Eyjargarð, it must be possible to leave with short notice, so it is not permitted to leave the ship's engine unattended. The ship must leave the premises after completing the fueling process. The service equipment is located in the center of the dock. Ships must moor with the side facing the facility, taking the location of the service equipment into account.
Work on the dock, such as network maintenance, and customs, port calls, and visits, may only occur at Eyjargarð with special permission from the facility manager or their representative.
Those who have been granted access to the facility and do not follow facility rules or staff instructions may have their access restricted. In the case of repeated violations, access may be permanently revoked.
Approved by the Örfirisey Safety Committee on February 13, 2013.
If you have any questions, please send an email to odr@odr.is.